The Api Services will serve you if you want to expand your distribution channel as an airline or tour operatour, if you already have your own website and want to build a booking engine in it or if you are a provider of internet travel technology and are looking for more customers.
For our clients we can provide full documentation of our web services (API) to perform booking operations.
Our well documented API allows for long-term stability and the ability to add software as needed. This work enables us to keep the costs low for everyone while saving significant amount of work.
The full documentation is described as HTTP REST API calls.
All messages follow the UTF-8 JSON standard while the date format is described on ISO8601.
We are already connected to Pribas airline solutions GmbH, die TicketTeam GmbH and
SunCrew is a crew managing tool to support the daily challenge to combine an efficient and feasible duty roster...
SunCater is a quick to set up catering application for in-flight service and data analysis...
Ancillary services gain more and more importance in service industries. Over 35 % of total revenue for airlines...